24 March 2009

Sweet Success

So this is a feeling unlike any I have ever experienced -- for the very first time, we have gotten to the point of having ordinance cards prepared so we can do temple work for our ancestors. Honestly, it is incredible, and I know that it will only be that much better when we actually take the names to the temple to do the work!

I can't believe how long it's taken us to get to this point. It's interesting to note how the adversary tries to interfere with this very important work and throws everything at us to try and thwart it. But Mel and I are beside ourselves with excitement at the prospect of doing work for our own family members. Obviously going to the temple is always an incredible experience, but I can't wait to do that work knowing it is benefiting my own ancestors . . . and the coolest part is that because of all the hours we have spent working on family history, we now feel so much more of a connection to them, and this will only enhance that connection. They are no longer just names on a page; they are real people who dance around in my head, who I see in dreams, who I feel urging me from beyond the veil to do their work. I can picture them as part of my family, people who already had their time on earth and completed that part of their journey. I know they are eagerly awaiting the chance to progress, and knowing I can help them makes me so happy. It's truly an incredible feeling.

The Spirit of Elijah is real, and family history work is a very consuming thing. Not long ago I was pretty disinterested in it. I felt like it was a cool hobby for old people and that when I got old I would have time for it. But I have become majorly consumed with this work, and I absolutely love it. If I don't watch it, I can spend hours and hours poring over records and let other important tasks go undone. I LOVE IT! The coolest thing is that I really do feel like my ancestors are urging me on. I feel compelled to get to work and to do it now! It's wonderful!

1 comment:

Matt said...

i'm so grateful that i was able to participate with you guys as you took these names to the temple yesterday. It was a big day for some of your ancestors and I'm sure they appreciated it. Isn't it great how the Lord lets us serve others in such special ways, even when they've moved beyond the veil?