03 January 2009

Good Golly, Miss Mollie!

I love doing family history research and I love it even more when I actually find something.  This is my great great grandmother, Mollie.  That's all we knew.  Until Thursday...

My maternal grandmother is the lovely Mable Adora Cadle.  Her mother was Annie Rebecca Lane (a.k.a. Mama Cadle).  And Annie's mother was Mollie.  That was all my granny could tell us except that she thought her first husband's last name was Parker.  No parents for Mollie, no maiden name even!  This was a challenge and for years Julie and I have been searching for her in vain.  

Then the other night, Julie's husband Chris did something genius.  He subscribed to the Augusta Chronicle archives.  I didn't even know you could do that!  Within a few hours we had a breakthrough on Mollie.

Don't ask me why the headline calls her Mrs. Arrington and not Mrs. Dunn.  Maybe because she'd had so many husbands?  Maybe she was especially proud of being an Arrington?  Maybe the person from the newspaper got confused?  Maybe so that we could make no mistake about her maiden name?  It doesn't matter to me.  I'm just glad we finally found her!

**I should point out that it was Julie who actually found her.  I was scrambling to record the information she was finding so quickly, I hadn't had a chance to do any digging myself.  We make a great team, huh?**


Fred said...

What a great blog. What wonderful work you two have done. Joining families is the greatest work there is.



nanci said...

This is SO exciting! Somehow these people are much more real when we have something physical, such as a headstone, to look at and touch!

I love to read old obituaries of my relatives and find the little tidbits of info that no one seems to pass down through the generations.

I look forward to the day that I can meet my ancestors and maybe I'll get some questions answered!